countproduct(); $nut = $jim->getnut(); $cat= $jim->getcategory(); $skin=$jim->getskin(); $lip=$jim->getlip(); $about=$jim->getabout(); class Data { function countproduct(){ $count = 0; $cart = isset($_SESSION['cart']) ? $_SESSION['cart']:array(); foreach($cart as $row): if($row['qty']!=0){ $count = $count + 1; } endforeach; return $count; } function getnut(){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM nutshell "); return $result; } function getcategory(){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category "); return $result; } function getskin(){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM addskin "); return $result; } function getlip(){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM addlip "); return $result; } function getabout(){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM aboutnew "); return $result; } } ?> Orell-A Revolutionary New Generation Of Natural Cosmetics
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  • h1. Bootstrap heading

    Semibold 36px

    h2. Bootstrap heading

    Semibold 30px

    h3. Bootstrap heading

    Semibold 24px

    h4. Bootstrap heading

    Semibold 18px
    h5. Bootstrap heading
    Semibold 14px
    h6. Bootstrap heading
    Semibold 12px

    Inbox 42

    60% Complete
    40% Complete (success)
    20% Complete
    60% Complete (warning)
    80% Complete (danger)
    60% Complete
    35% Complete (success)
    20% Complete (warning)
    10% Complete (danger)

    Panel title

    Panel content

    Panel title

    Panel content

    Panel title

    Panel content

    Panel title

    Panel content

    Panel title

    Panel content

    Panel title

    Panel content

    Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger

    Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger

    Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger

    Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger

    Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger
    Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger

    Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger

    Optional table caption.
    # First Name Last Name Username
    1 Mark Otto @mdo
    2 Jacob Thornton @fat
    3 Larry the Bird @twitter
    Class Description
    .active Applies the hover color to a particular row or cell
    .success Indicates a successful or positive action
    .info Indicates a neutral informative change or action
    .warning Indicates a warning that might need attention
    .danger Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action
    # Column heading Column heading Column heading
    1 Column content Column content Column content
    2 Column content Column content Column content
    3 Column content Column content Column content
    4 Column content Column content Column content
    5 Column content Column content Column content
    6 Column content Column content Column content
    7 Column content Column content Column content
    8 Column content Column content Column content
    9 Column content Column content Column content